
This site was created to help people who are not sure where to start in getting prepared for what may come. Our world can change rapidly and by doing some work ahead of time we can reduce the impact that these changes make on our daily lives. This site is intended to help you be more prepared as an individual as well as a community.

Being physically prepared is only one aspect of making sure you can navigate the ever-changing world. As you can see from the pandemic, we face mental and emotional obstacles as well. God has blessed me in many ways along my journey through life, through both good and bad times. I think it is just as important to be spiritually prepared as it is to be physically prepared. If you have never considered this, it may be time to think about it. We live in a fallen world, but God gave us a way to overcome the evils of this world. He sent his son Jesus to die on a cross and be resurrected so that our sins may be forgiven, and we may be accepted into his eternal kingdom. Along with this forgiveness comes a peace that you cannot get any other way. As anxiety and fear are becoming more of a part of daily life, having this peace can change your entire outlook on what is happening in the world.